Yesterday the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) released a 65-page report detailing what it views as its accomplishments over the last four years. In a press release summarizing the report, the FTC touts the following accomplishments specifically:

  • Putting Money Back in Americans’ Pocketbooks.” In this category, the FTC touts its rule banning junk fees and finalizing its click to cancel rule.
  • Stopping Illegal Consolidation that Raises Prices and Reduces Innovation.” In this category, the FTC touts its vigorous policing of consolidation across what it views as critical sectors of the economy.
  • Securing Americans’ Access to Healthcare.” In this category, the FTC touts its actions in expanding access to affordable healthcare, including challenging patents on drug products and suing companies for what it views as unlawful practices.
  • Protecting Workers from Coercion and Deception.” In this category, the FTC touts its ban on non-competes (which did not become effective) and its related enforcement actions.
  • Checking Harmful Commercial Surveillance.” In this category, the FTC touts its aggressive policing of the collection, use, and sale of consumer information and its strengthening of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPA).
  • Protecting Americans’ Right to Repair.” In this category, the FTC touts its work to combat restrictions on the ability for consumers to repair the products they buy.
  • Helping Small Businesses Compete on a Level Playing Field.” In this category, the FTC touts its specific actions aimed at large corporations and its enforcement of the Robinson-Patman Act, which it views as important to prohibit price discrimination that squeezes independent retailers.

We’ve blogged about many of these topics in an ongoing effort to monitor the FTC’s activities and provide advice to American businesses. See the FTC’s full report for more information on the FTC’s specific enforcement efforts/actions, court cases brought by the FTC, and other items of FTC enforcement information.