Fox Rothschild LLP

Last week the FTC issued three letters closing three separate investigations of advertising practices by three different businesses. The letters are notable for the two common themes present in each.
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The FTC recently cracked down on Breathometer, Inc., the maker of an app-supported smartphone breathalyzer, for false and deceptive advertising.

The advertised purpose of the product is to keep people
Continue Reading But Officer, My App Said I Was OK To Drive … FTC Hammers Allegedly Deceptive Advertising of Breathalyzer App

Ever been skeptical of symptom relief claims made by medicine made of things like crushed bees or poison ivy?  It seems you are not alone–the FTC is skeptical too, and
Continue Reading Ripe For Deception No More: FTC Signals Intent To Crack Down on Efficacy Claims for OTC Homeopathic Products